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Noroc Events
Mar 1, 20242 min read
OMUL FĂRĂ LINIA VIEȚII - Un film care unește actori celebri de pe ambele maluri ale Prutului
Într-o lume în care poveștile ne modelează viziunea și ne îmbogățesc experiența umană, cinematografia ocupă un loc special în inimile...

Noroc Events
Jan 16, 20242 min read
Cine mai este și SPONSORIZATOAREA asta a Turneului din SUA al Lupilor lui Calancea?
Faceți Cunoștință: Diana Tipa Lușciov - Polaris Insurance Group În haita de susținători al turneului Lupii lui Calancea, avem o lupoaică...

Noroc Events
Jan 9, 20242 min read
Diaspora se Unește în Jurul Turneului Lupilor lui Calancea în SUA
Energia vibrantă a lui Alex Calancea, rațiunea și inima Lupilor săi au captivat publicul în 2023, creând o experiență emoțională...

Noroc Events
Dec 5, 20231 min read
Ai auzit zvonul?
Un nou restaurant tradițional se pregătește să-și deschidă ușile în Chicago, aducând aroma autentică a bucătăriei moldovenești în...

Noroc Events
Nov 3, 20231 min read
"Lucrul bun e bun oricum" Carla's Dreams despre Filmul VARVARA
Numai mâine nu-i poimâine, ziua cea mare a premierei în America a filmului VARVARA. Probabil că unul dintre cele mai controversate filme...

Noroc Events
Jul 14, 20232 min read
Embrace Your Moldovan Roots: Diaspora Days in Chisinau Await!
We are absolutely thrilled to share some fantastic news with you about the upcoming Diaspora Days in Moldova. In Moldova, everyone is...

Noroc Events
Jun 7, 20233 min read
Witnessing VARVARA(2023): A Cinematic Journey in the Republic of Moldova's Highest Office
An extraordinary event unfolded on June 6, 2023, in the heart of Chisinau, the capital of the Republic of Moldova. The Presidency...

Noroc Events
May 29, 20232 min read
Irina Rimes' Spectacular "Acasa" Tour Unites Romanian-Speaking Music Lovers!
Take a nostalgic journey back in time as we reflect on the incredible USA tour of the sensational Romanian singer-songwriter, Irina...

Noroc Events
May 15, 20232 min read
President Maia Sandu of Republic of Moldova Honors Sandu Sirbu at Moldovan-American Convention
We are thrilled to share the resounding success of the recent Moldovan American Convention held in Chicago from May 12th to 14th, 2023....

Noroc Events
Apr 12, 20231 min read
Bringing the Moldovan Community Together: Highlights from Dallas' "Toamna de Aur" Festival
In September 2022, something special happened in Dallas - the very first Moldovan festival called "Golden Autumn" took place! It was a...

Noroc Events
Apr 6, 20232 min read
Building a Strong Moldovan-American Community: A Look Back at the Moldovan-American Convention
Noroc Events, led by Sandu Sirbu, has had the great honor of participating and contributing to 6 successful editions of the MAC

Noroc Events
Apr 6, 20231 min read
Noroc Events Proudly Contributes to the Success of "Mamaliga de Aur" Event in Miami"
Noroc Events is thrilled to share our participation in the Mamaliga de Aur event in Miami. As Moldovans living far from home, we are...

Noroc Events
Apr 6, 20231 min read
Celebrating Moldovan Culture at the "Dor de Moldova" Festival with Noroc Events
Noroc Events was thrilled to be a part of the "Dor de Moldova" Festival in Orlando on March 4, celebrating the vibrant culture of...

Noroc Events
Apr 5, 20232 min read
Noroc Events Brings Award-Winning Moldovan Film 'Carbon' 2022 to Audiences Across the USA
Noroc Events is thrilled to bring the most popular movie made in Moldova, “ Carbon ” 2022, to audiences all over the USA. The film,...

Noroc Events
Apr 5, 20232 min read
Experience the Joy of Eastern European Celebrations with Noroc Events
Welcome to Noroc Events, a leading event management company that specializes in bringing the joy of Eastern European celebrations to...
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